Monday 4 August 2008

Post seminar reflection- VRG

Adapted from Seminar and Tutorials, Manning and Wilding----
On the Basis of my seminar preparation and research,the seminar was quite good, because i was suffering from some language problem. I was able to understand all the aspects of the seminar but i was not able to evaluate my own ideas, i can not express my 'self study'.
As i studied, DNA databases, Biometrics and CCTV are very usefull by the means of security. but there are some limitations to use each and every aspects. DNA database is very costly to analysis, Biometrics is the system which is available in few countries and the CCTV is not introduced in some countries. Some people in my group said that, CCTV make feel us uncomfertable. But i had added one point in seminar that, instead of icreasing the quntity of CCTV we have to increase the quality of CCTV, in support of this i said that, CCTV can identify only the face but not the aim of aspects. Overall as my own opinion is that, all the technologies are very essential to increase the level of the security.

1 comment:

Steve said...

What kind of language problems did you have?