Tuesday 26 August 2008



Government and Globalization:

It is generally agreed that, world is getting small because of growing integration of economies and societies around the world. Globalization is a force that increasingly touches the lives of people living in all countries of the world. Globalization is defined as advance form of internationalization that effect the degree of integration between international disperse economic activities. It is now become popular key idea for business theory and practice. Jan Aart Scholte (2000, 15-17) has argued that the international globalization is the simply objective to describe cross border relation between two or more countries. It shows the growth in international exchange. While process of removing government imposes restriction on movements between countries is known as liberalization. Capitalism, rationalism, industrialism are spread the world over because of westernization and modernization. Where as the globalization as universalisation is the process of spreading various objects and experience to people and all countries of the world. The classic example of this is the use of computer and television.

Trade and Globalization:

Trade is one of the main drivers of Globalization. Globalization touches the lives of people everywhere. Unfortunately, recent global opinion polls reveal that many people fear globalization. While globalization can bring immense change, often the change benefits those most in need. By the opinion of Harvard University Professor Dani Rodrik Globalization changed the set of best growth promoting policies.

Trading, import and export to various countries(Cargo containers in port of Valparasio

According to Tikki Pang, Globalization helps as industry develops into the world market. That access to non-traditional foods as a result change in prices, production, practices and trade. Globalization may also influence diet activity and health in developing countries. One major problem is the increasing internationalization of health risk. This having many dimension including economic, technological, political, social, scientific and cultural aspects.Major factor for liberalization of international trade has negotiations during the past 50 years which culminated in the establishment of world trade organization (WTO) (Bettcher et al, 2000).

Health and Globalization:
This happens because of tobacco alcohol and global epidemics of non communicable disease. According to the world health organization death toll from tobacco will reach 10 million a year up to 70 % of this deaths cause by lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, diabetics. An industrialise countries increased ban cigarette advertisement and tobacco companies target peoples in poor nation. This high incident of smoking among children and aldolescents and distribute in low age of intiation. Alcohol consumption is another area in which globalization of an industry has helped to more health risk . while tobacco increased the risk of mortality from array disease. The impact of alcohol consumption on health is much more complex. There is the strong relationship between alcohol consumption and liver cirrhosis, some cancers and that causes of injuries and violence. While minimum amount of alcohol is sufficient to reduce the cardiovascular disease, the spread of universal brand names of popular beverages and fast foods has contributed to the global epidemic of obesity by replacing traditional diet with fat and calories rich foods. The non-communicable disease like cancer, diabetics, obesity and cardiovascular disease will cause about 2/3rd of global disease. This growth shows the increase again globalization risk but for condition that arre mainly caused by diet even in less develop countries that have co-existent under nutrition. Mr.Jean Parrot says that some medicines are more at risk from counterfeiting than others.In developed countries those with the highest market demand or those with restricted access are the most affected and systems intended to identify all who have taken part in the supply chain should focus first on those medicines most liable to be counterfeited. Some national health policy markets have chosen to remove certain medicines from the regular secured pharmaceutical supply chain. Medicines are unique in that they carry with them both vast benefit and serious risk to public health . In some countries the expansion of internal market increases the risk of penetration by counterfeit medicines. The efficiency of health care systems largeky depends on the ability of primary health care provides to take responsibility early detection of disease. Whereas pharmacist are concerned this means taking action the better to identify risk factor for well known patients. In general pharmacist has many assets that would allow him/her to exercise pre-detection for a number of health problems.

WHO has estimated that globalization has also large effects on international travel with global health. In many countries liberalization of airline industries has made air travel affordable for more people around the world. For reaching air travel technology has allow longer non-stop flights, facilitates the spread of communicable disease. If person is in the early stages of the infectious disease, he around the world in 15-20 hours thus that disease cannot spread. The good example of rapid spread disease is severe acute respiratory syndrome. Another example of global spread is antibiotic resistance pneumococcus. Near about 2 millions die in developing countries as a result of lower respiratory infection like pneumonia.(McGee et al,2001).


This essay examine that the Globalization leads to increases the health risk. This happens because of tobacco alcohol and global epidemics of non-communicable disease.
Globalization help to improve economic from agricultural to industry. The major factor for this is export and foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment will able to impact the economic growth of leading countries from transfer technology, export promotion and employment argumentation. The global investment in Research and Development may be subject to utilisation of production knowledge.


1] Tikki Pang , (2004).
‘Globalization And Risk To Health’. Vol-5. Page No-S11.

2] www.globalizationandhealth.com

3] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/globalization.

4] Jean Parrot.(Precedent Of International Pharmaceutical Federation.)
‘The Pharmaceutical Journal’. Vol-275, 2005.

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